Python Training

Python Training
Course Description
Today Python is a popular programming language. Due to the growing popularity of Python maximum engineering students are now showing interest to learn it. And it is true if you want to make your career in Automation, Big Data field you have to know Python.
Educational Excellence is one of the pioneer Python Training Institute in Durgapur. We have a team of experienced certified faculties who will take your classes.
Why Learn Python Courses?
Python is a powerful high-level language that incorporates multiple modules. it is also easy to understand and uses less syntax. Python has been specially designed to human-readable. It supports interfaces to several system calls, libraries and window systems. Since it is a portable language it runs seamlessly in all operating systems like Linux, Macintosh, and Windows.
Our offline Python Course in Durgapur includes both theory and practical with live projects so that whatever you will learn can implement in the assignment.
Course Module:
- Python History & Overview
- Python Features & areas of application
Duration: 1:30 Hrs (1 Class)
Python Syntax, Keywords, and Operators
- Python Identifiers & Operators
- Operators Precedence
- Reserved Words, Lines and Indentation
- Multi-Line Statements, Quotation in Python
- Comments in Python
- Python Print Function & taking inputs from user
- Python Basic Data Types And Variables
Duration: 2:30 Hrs( 2 Class)
Expressions, Statements, Variables
- Working With Numbers, Booleans, Strings
- String types and formatting
- Program to find duplicate characters in a String.
- Program to reverse a string
- program to remove a newline in Python
Duration: 1.30 Hrs. (1 Class)
Python Data Types: List, Tuples, Dictionaries
- Python Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
- Basic Operations
- Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes
- Built-in Functions & Methods
- Exercises on List, Tuples, and Dictionary
- Remove Duplicate from Lists
- Program to find the index of an item of a Tuple
- Python program to convert a list to a Tuple
- Python program to reverse a Tuple
Duration:3:30Hrs( 2 Class)
Making Decisions – if Statements
- The Relational & Logical Operators
- If, if-else, if-Elif Statement
- If, Elif & Else Processing
Duration: 1:30Hrs.(1 Class)
Loop Control
- Introduction To while Loops
- Count-Controlled while Loops
- Event-Controlled while Loops
- Using continue, break statement
- Introduction To for Loops
- For loops with files, list, tuples, and dictionaries
Duration: 3 Hrs. ( 2 Class)
- Understanding Iterators
- Using iter and next
- Iterators And Dictionaries
Duration: 1:30 Hrs(1 Class)
Functions And Scopes
- Introduction To Functions
- Defining, Calling Functions
- Functions With Multiple Arguments
- Predicate Functions,Recursive Functions
- Scope:Global,Local, Nested Scope
Duration:2:30 Hrs ( 2 Class)
Built-In Modules
- Using Built-In Modules
- User-Defined Modules
- Module Namespaces
Duration:1:30 Hrs(1 Class)
File I/O
- Printing to the Screen
- Reading Keyboard Input
- Opening and Closing Files
- open Function,file Object Attributes
- close() Method ,Read,write,seek
- Rename, remove,
- mkdir,chdir,rmdir
Duration: 2 Hrs. (1 Class)
Exceptional Handling
- Exception Handling, Assertions
- What is Exception, Handling an exception
- The except Clause with No Exceptions, the try-finally Clause
- Argument of an Exception, Raising an Exceptions
- User-Defined Exceptions
Duration:2.30 Hrs( 2 Class)
Classes and Objects
- Overview of OOP-Creating Classes
- Constructor and Destructor, Static and instance variable
- Creating Instance Objects
- Built-In Class Attributes, Destroying Objects
- Class Inheritance, Overriding Methods
- Base Overloading Methods
- Overloading Operators, Data Hiding
Duration: 3 Hrs (2 Class)
Regular Expression
- Matching and Searching- match() and search() Functions
- Search and Replace
- Regular Expression Modifiers, Patterns
- Backreferences, Anchors
- Automation with regular expression
Duration:2:30 Hrs.(2 Class)
Logging and Debugging
- Logging — Logging facility for Python
- Logger Objects, Logging Levels
- Creating Log files
- Python debugger
Duration: 2 Hrs.( 1 Class)
- Overview of Threading model
- Properties of Threads
- Creating Thread Using Threading Module
- Using queue with threads
- Synchronizing Threads
Duration: 3 Hrs.( 2 Class)
Using Database with Python
- CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete)
- Storing data across multiple tables in database
- Linking rows in database
- Retrieving and processing some data and then use in an application to visualize data
Duration: 2 Hrs. ( 1 Class)
Total Course Duration: 24 Class/36 Hours (3 Months)
Total Fees: INR 7000/-