Those who belong from IT industry quite familiar with the terms UI or User Interface. UI basically is a medium through which user interacts via website, application, or any digital device. UI includes the appearance of how a website, application looks, and functions such as icon placements, colors, fonts and so on. These are all things that you have to look after as a web or UI designer.
Great UI is very much important when you are going to branding your product. If UI is good, a user’s interaction with a site or app will grow significantly. On the other hand, if a user can’t figure out how to interact easily with your website or application, then there is a huge chance to lose traffic. So, in that case, you need to improve your UI design.
A UX designer usually works in the back-end and their primary role is to research, work on the strategy of a webpage or application, and create wire-frames. The main objective is to provide a good user interface for users.
Being a web developer you should know the basic web design skills. It’s a team game. If a developer interprets the thoughts of the designer then it makes a clear picture of the overall User Interface. A developer should have knowledge of designing tools like Adobe(such as Illustrator or Photoshop), Sketch, and In Vision. Having access to such tools could save a lot of time.
From a developer point of view, it’s not necessary to learn basic designing skills but if you know that it will give advantages especially in the job field.